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KrantiMix For All Crops - Reduce Leaching Losses | Increase the Flowering Stage

Sold by: Shubhi AgroTech
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Shubhi AgroTech
H.No. O/1, Sales Tax Colony, Kachna Road, Raipur (C.G.)
(1 customer reviews)
KrantiMix For All Crops - Reduce Leaching Losses | Increase the Flowering Stage

KrantiMix For All Crops - Reduce Leaching Losses | Increase the Flowering Stage
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KrantiMix For All Crops - Reduce Leaching Losses | Increase the Flowering Stage

KrantiMix for "Cereal" crops

"KrantiMix" is useful for soil and plants in the following ways:

1. Helps improve the soil's physical and biological condition and greatly increases the work activities of microorganisms in the soil.

2. It helps improve soil structure and also increases organic matter in the soil.

3. Helpful in improving soil fertility and productivity.

4. Increases the germination capacity of seeds.

5. Helps strengthen plant roots and increases the number of roots

6. Helpful in increasing the number of branches and buds in plants.

7. Helpful in preventing the leaching of essential nutrients from the soil, thereby increasing the productivity of the soil, thus increasing the efficiency of fertilizers.

8. Helps in increasing the immunity of plants.

9. Higher quality yields are produced which helps in increasing the income of farmers.

Method of use: For best results in paddy and wheat crops, spray at the rate of 12 kg per acre.

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