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r-jaalGold - 200 GM Water Soluble Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer | Plant Growth Promotor

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r-jaalGold Mycorrhizal Biofertilizer

Kyonki Jaden Majboot Chaiye

  • rjaal is designed for development of vigorous, robust and well spread Root System solving many problems related to plant health from the source.
  • rjaal is categorized under bio-fertilizer and is based on spores and fragments of Vascular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungal filaments, infected root bits and lot of bio-enzymes and secondary metabolites.
  • rjaal colonize the plants root system and develop a symbiotic association called Mycorrhiza. They form a network (Jaal) of fine filaments that associate with plant roots and extend the roots far into the soil resources, much beyond the area of nutrient depletion. This gives the plant a vigorous micro root development and multiplies the surface area of the root.
  • rjaal activated root structure enables the plant to draw nutrients and water from the soil that a plant would not be able to access otherwise. This fungus-plant alliance accelerates root development, stimulates nutrition uptake specially phosphate, repels soil bound infections, help plant survive in multiple stress.
  • rjaal also help in soil aggregation process and stimulates microbial activity improving soil health.
  • rjaal is the trusted friend of all plant in all conditions - Any Crop, Any time, with Chemical Fertilizers, only Organic Practices or any which way you may be growing the plants. Earlier the use, better the results.


VAM (Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza) with water soluble nutrient substrate.
Inoculum Potential : 4800 IP per gram (min)
Total Viable Spores : 10 per gram (min)
pH : 6.0 -7.5
Moisture : 10% (max)

r-jaalGold Packaging & Pricing:

50 Gms:  Rs. 190
200 Gms:  Rs. 700

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