India International Agri Business Expo
Category: Agricultural and Gardening Machinery
Date: 2024-08-29
City: Hyderabad
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India International Agri Business Expo (IIAB-Expo)
For the first time in the history of India, India International Agri Business Expo - IIAB-Expo is organized by RAY One Agri Consulting in the ambience and infrastructure of an exhibition format.
HITEX is organized in Hyderabad, India https://hitex.co.in/ is the largest venue for exhibitions in India.
India International Agri Business Conference & Expo – IIAB-Expo is the second edition of Agri Inputs Exhibition from RAY Consulting.
IICP Expo is now IIAB Expo
When IICP Expo was initiated earlier last year, we expected the crop protection industry to be representing at IICP Expo. But it was beyond the crop protection alone the expo had exhibitors and visitors from not only the protection industry but from the entire agri business industry.
To make it a larger inclusion IIAB Expo brings you the agri business solutions of various pesticides comprising of insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides and other agro chemicals, the EXPO will show case the alternative solutions through organic and biological means of crop growth.
IIAB Expo will have seeds, crop nutrition, bio stimulants, farm machinery, startups, digitization and innovation, research & Development, universities, academicians, institutions show casing their newest and the best. Expo will have participants from the Manufacturers and suppliers of raw material, intermediates.
IIAB Expo will have pavilions for government institutions, research & Development companies, accredited laboratories for data generation, digitization, startups, seeds, equipment manufacturers, bankers, financial institutions, consultants and everything agriculture needs to be required.
IIAB Conference & Expo is going to be an as one-stop destination for all those stakeholders in Agri Business Industry.
IIAB Expo expects participation from various countries like Australia, Brazil, Belgium, Bangladesh, China, Europe, Germany, Indonesia, Korea, Italy, Netherlands, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, U.S.A., United Arab Emirates (UAE), Vietnam, African continent and Home country India.
IIAB- EXPO will offer much-needed support for networking to meet, greet, and exchange business.
Exhibitor Profile
- Agrochemical Manufacturers, Formulators & Exporters Includes Insecticide, Fungicide, Herbicide.
- Biological Agri inputs includes Biochemical pesticides, Bio stimulant, Bio Fertilizers Microbial pesticides.
- Allied Chemicals includes Raw Materials for Agrochemicals, Solvents, Surfactant, Formulating agents and Speciality chemicals.
- Others: Research laboratories, packaging material, technological solution providers and those directly -indirectly associated with agri inputs.
India International Agri Business Expo
Date : 29th-30th August, 2024
Venue : HITEX Hyderabad, India
Website : https://iiabexpo.com/
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